Replacing documents that have already been posted | Filesplit

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Filesplit
Applies to: Managers and publishers 

You can replace documents that have already been posted without sending new alerts to users. If alerts have been sent for the original version of the documents, the links in those alerts will continue to work for the replacement documents, and new alerts will not be required.

If you discover errors in documents that have already been posted, you can make corrections and post again by following the steps you used to make the original posting. In the Review results step of the New Posting Wizard, a message will appear noting that documents in the posting already exist in the VDR, and you will be given the option either to replace the existing documents with the newly created ones or to add the new documents and keep the originals. If you replace the documents, alerts will not be sent automatically; you have the option to send new alerts if you like.

Note: You cannot replace documents using this technique if they have been moved or renamed after posting. Filesplit will be able to locate the files only if they have the name and location that was assigned to them when they were originally posted.

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