Posting settings | Filesplit

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Filesplit
Applies to: Managers and publishers 

The settings described below apply only to:

  • Postings created using a Word template and Excel spreadsheet
  • Postings created using a PDF that allows textual search
  • Posting existing files without splitting them

If you are creating a posting using a PDF that contains delimiter strings, these settings do not apply. The information needed to post the documents for that posting option is included in the delimiter string for each document that is to be posted.

The settings that appear on your screen vary depending upon the type of posting you are creating. Not all of the settings below may be displayed on your screen.

Fill out this form using

If you saved the settings used for a previous posting, you can select those settings and use them again.

You can make changes to whatever settings appear. If you want to use your selections this time only, complete the rest of the fields on the screen but do not save your changes. If you want to save the changes, click Save; your current set will be updated. To create a new set of saved settings, click Save as set and enter a name for the new set in the window that appears; the new set will be created and the original set will be unchanged.

You also can edit the settings for one or more sets of saved settings by clicking the Manage button to display the Manage Settings screen. That screen includes all the fields below. It also allows you to select the saved set that will appear as a default entry whenever you display the Define settings screen.

Posting location

Upload to Exchange

Mark this option if you want the documents that will be created by the Filesplit process to be uploaded to Intralinks, then select the exchange where your investor documents are to be uploaded.

Note: A message will appear if the exchange is larger than the recommended limits for Filesplit. This message is informational only; you can continue with the posting. Depending upon the size of the exchange, you may notice that Filesplit’s performance is slowed. As an alternative, you can contact Intralinks support to have a new exchange created.

If you unmark this option, documents will not be uploaded. You can save this posting as a draft and return to it later to mark this option and select an exchange if you like.

Destination folder (example)

Indicate the location on the exchange where one of your documents is to be located. The folders used for all the other documents that you create also will be determined by your selection here. If you choose the Create folders that do not already exist option, folders will be created for you if they do not exist already.

If you organize documents by investor

If you want to maintain a separate set of folders for each investor, be sure that the destination folder, or one of the folders that contains it, is named using the information from one of the columns from your Excel file. (For example, your investor’s name or other ID, as specified in the Excel spreadsheet.) You will select the Excel column in the Name match field.

For example, assume that you want to use the following sets of folders:

FS If you organize docs by investor.png

In the example above, your documents would be place in the Quarter 1 folders. Be sure that at least one of these folder structures exists. Filesplit will create the other folders for you. For example, on your exchange you might have these folders:

FS If you organize docs by investor 2.png

In this case, select the Quarter 1 folder in the Destination folder (example) field.

If you do not organize documents by investor

Using the previous example, if you want to keep all of your quarterly documents in one location, select a column in the Name match field and select a destination folder that does not match any of the entries in the Excel column that you selected in the Name match field. Folders will be created for your PDF documents in the same location as the folder you select in the Destination folder (example) field. For example, assume that you want to create all of the following sets of folders, and place documents in these folders on a quarterly basis:

FS If you do not organize docs by investor 1.png

To ensure that the Quarter 1 documents appear within the Quarter 1 folder, select that folder as the destination folder. Separate subfolders for each document will be created within the Quarter 1 folder, as shown below:

FS If you do not organize docs by investor 2.png

Name Match

In this field, select one of the columns in the Excel file that you selected in the Load Files step of the wizard.

Your selection here, along with the example destination folder will determine where investors’ documents are stored. If folders do not exist, they will be created; depending upon the example destination folder you selected, several levels of folders may be created, as shown in the previous examples. Keep in mind that the name match may be used to name folders at a higher level than the folders that are used to store the investor documents. For example:

FS Name match 1.png

The column you select should contain information that is unique for each investor, such as the investor’s name or client ID; we recommend that you choose a column whose information is short but still unique, to ensure that folder names will not be longer than allowed.

Exact Match

Mark this option to require that the unique identifiers in your PDF files exactly match the entries in the selected column in your Excel file. Leave this option unmarked if you wish to match with similarly spelled words. (This is known as “fuzzy matching.” For example, if the option is marked and the Excel file contains the unique identifier Frost, only the word Frost will be matched in the PDF file. If the option is unmarked, Frost, Frosts, Frosted and Frosting all could be matched.)

Save a local copy of PDFs

Mark this option if you want copies of the documents you are creating to be saved on your computer or a network drive, in addition to the exchange. (Note that these documents can consume considerable space over time. If your hard disk space is limited, you may wish to unmark this option.)

Next, click the Browse button to display a dialog box that allows you to enter or select the location on your computer or network drive where you want copies of your documents to be created.

This option does not appear if you are posting files but not splitting them. (That is, you selected the Post existing files with Excel data option in the New Posting dialog box.)

Naming conventions

Use the following section to set the naming scheme for the documents and exchange groups that will be created automatically when you send your documents to the selected exchange.

The name for each item will be built from your entries in the Prefix and Suffix fields, along with your selections from the drop-down list that appears between the Prefix and Suffix fields. The drop-down list displays the columns in the Excel file that you selected in the Load Files step of the wizard. Select a column that contains the information for each investor that you want to be incorporated into the titles of documents and groups created for the investor. For exchange groups, we suggest that you select a column that contain information that is unique for each investor, such as the investor’s name or client ID. Documents do not necessarily need to have unique names.

As an example, if you want the PDFs placed on your exchange to be named something like “Quarterly results for John Smith -- Q1 2012,” make the following entries for File name on Intralinks:

Prefix: Quarterly results for

Excel Column: (Excel column containing investors’ names)

Suffix: -- Q1 

Note that you are not required to make an entry in either text field, and you are not required to make a selection from the drop-down list. This gives you great flexibility in naming your documents. For example, if you preferred to name your PDFs something like “Quarter 1 results for John Smith,” you could make the following entries:

Prefix: Quarter 1 results for

Excel Column: (Excel column containing investors’ names)

Suffix: (leave the text box empty)

If you are posting files but not splitting them (that is, you selected the Post files (files will not be split) option in the New posting dialog box), you can use these fields to rename the files on your Intralinks exchange. The original files will not be affected. To do this, add a column to the Excel spreadsheet that contains the new name that you wish to use for each file. In this case, you could make the following entries:

Prefix: (leave the text box empty)

Excel Column: (Excel column containing new file names)

Suffix: (leave the text box empty)

Of course, you also can make entries in the Prefix and Suffix fields if every file will begin or end with the same text.

Name of output PDF

This is the name that will be assigned to the documents that will be placed on your exchange.

PDF names cannot be longer than 245 characters and cannot include the following characters:

/ \ : * " < > ? | %

Exchange group

This is the name of the group that will be permissioned to use each of the documents that are being created. The group names cannot contain the following characters: < > \

Create folders that do not already exist

Mark this option if you want folders to be created automatically for you if they do not already exist in the specified location(s). This is especially useful if you have new investors for whom folders do not already exist, or if you are placing the documents in a location you have not used previously. If you do not mark this option, an error will occur if you attempt to post documents to folders that were not created previously.

Create groups that do not already exist

Mark this option if you want exchange groups to be created automatically for you if they do not already exist on the specified exchange. This is especially useful if you have new investors for whom groups have not been created. If you do not mark this option, an error will occur if you attempt to post documents that are assigned to groups that were not created previously.

File Attributes


Select the privileges that you want to give to your investors as they view the documents being created:

See — Investors will be able to read the documents permissioned to them, but will not be able to change them or delete them.

Control — Investors will be able to see, change and delete the documents that are permissioned to them. Note that control rights can be assigned only to users who have a manager or publisher role. If your investors are reviewers or previewers, they will be able to see, but not control, the documents.

Assign permissions to the file once it is posted

Mark this option if you want documents to be permissioned during the upload process. Unmark the option if you wish to review the posting on your exchange before you give permission to investors to use the documents. You can apply permissions using Intralinks Designer when you’re ready for the investors to view the documents in this posting; if you choose to send alerts to the recipients, they will be delivered after the documents are permissioned. See the Intralinks Designer User Guide for instructions on assigning permissions using Intralinks Designer.

If the exchange you selected uses folder permissioning (the Remember selections for future documents and subfolders exchange setting is marked), you can choose not to enter a group name here. In that case, any groups that have been given permission to view the contents of the folder will be allowed to work with the documents associated with this posting.


If you want to prevent your investors from printing or downloading the documents, select the following options:

Protect — Investors will not be allowed to download copies of the documents, or they will be required to enter their email address and password before viewing a downloaded copy of the documents. The type of browser, browser version, and browser settings determine whether the document can be downloaded, or must be viewed on the exchange.

Prevent print — Investors will not be allowed to print the documents or to use the PrintScreen key to create images of the documents. (This option is available only if you marked the Protect option.)

Effective date

Enter or select the date on which the documents being uploaded will become effective. Either type the date or click the down-arrow button to display a calendar from which you can select the date.

This option appears only if the exchange that you selected allows effective dates.

Custom Fields

Depending upon the type of posting that you are creating, you can assign custom fields to the posting if your exchange is configured to use custom fields. If the exchange also is configured to use custom alerts, the custom field values can be used to customize text in the email alerts that will be sent to your investors. The values for these custom fields can be edited to include information that is relevant to particular types of postings such as K1 statements, capital calls, or distributions, for example. When alerts are sent, the customized text will appear, displaying content that reflects the type of document that has been posted.

Custom fields can be assigned to the following types of postings:

  • Postings that use a Word template and Excel spreadsheet (option 1)
  • Postings that use a PDF that allows textual search (option 2)
  • Postings that include existing files that will not be split (option 4)

You can select the fields that you want to use, along with the values that will appear on the email alerts.

Both branded alerts and custom fields must be enabled for the posting exchange. You can configure and publish custom fields using Intralinks Designer or within your exchange on the web; consult the Intralinks Designer User Guide or the Intralinks User Guide for Managers and Publishers for more information. Branded alerts must be set up by an Intralinks employee; contact your Intralinks representative for more information about setting up and using branded alerts.


Send/Do Not Send/Delay alerts when postings are completed Use this field to indicate whether email messages will be sent to your investors alerting them to the documents that are available to them:

Send — Select this option if you want to send alerts immediately after documents are uploaded at the end of the Filesplit process.

Do Not Send — Select this option if investors should not receive an alert about the documents.

Delay — Select this option if you want to send the alerts later, for example, after you have had an opportunity to verify that the documents were uploaded correctly. For information on sending the alerts at a later time, see Sending delayed Filesplit alerts.

Deliver immediately (override user preferences)

Intralinks users have the option to receive a single daily email alert from Intralinks, rather than individual emails. Mark this option to override the preferences of users who receive daily alerts; your selection will be applied to this posting only. If you chose Yes for the Send alert field, all alerts will be sent immediately when the documents are uploaded. If you chose Delay, the alerts will be delivered to all users as soon as they are sent.

If you leave this option unmarked, users will receive the alert about this posting according to their preference (either immediately or as part of their daily email alert from Intralinks).

Use default Subject line

Mark this option if you wish to use the standard subject line for the selected exchange.

If you wish to use your own subject line, leave this option unmarked and use the field on the right to enter the subject line that you want to use.

Use default message text

Mark this option if you wish to use the standard email message for the selected exchange.

If you wish to use your own message, leave this option unmarked and use the box on the right to enter the message that you want to use.

Send me a copy

When selected, a copy of each alert sent is sent to the person creating the posting. This setting is selected by default.

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