Creating a posting using a PDF that allows textual search | Filesplit

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks Filesplit
Applies to: Managers and publishers 

You should use this procedure only if you have already created a single PDF file that contains all the documents that will be distributed to your investors.

I want to

  • Split an existing PDF into individual documents and distribute them to investors 


Prepare the PDF document

When creating the PDF document containing your investor statements, please keep the following points in mind:

  • Each document in the PDF must contain a unique identifier, such as a client number, that corresponds to the investor to whom the document will be sent. The unique identifier must appear on the first page of each investor statement. Avoid using identifiers like “Intralinks I” and Intralinks II,” since “Intralinks I” is found in both identifiers. Unique identifiers should appear on a single line (they should not be split across multiple lines). Also note that spaces are ignored in unique identifiers; as a result terms like “Kim Lee” and “KimLee” are treated as identical by Filesplit.
  • The PDF must have been created from a file containing text, rather than images of the documents you want to distribute.
  • Each individual investor statement must have the same number of pages.


    The first page of each document must contain a delimiter, or a unique string of characters that marks the boundaries between one document and another. Use this method if you are unsure that all documents will have the same number of pages. Your delimiter must be the same for all documents; it must be between 8 and 50 alphanumeric characters long and cannot include spaces. It should appear on a single line. The same delimiter must be used for every document in the PDF file.

    If you have used delimiters to create postings using the Use existing PDF files with delimiter strings, posting option, please keep in mind that the delimiter used with PDFs that allow textual search are not the same as the delimiters that you may have worked with in the past. Delimiters for PDFs that allow textual search consist a single unique string for each posting and are used only for determining where the PDF source document for each posting can be split. They do not determine who will receive access to the posted documents, or where those documents will be stored on the exchange. Instead, you will specify these details in the Excel identifiers document (described below) and the Posting settings step of the New Posting Wizard.

  • The PDF document can contain up to 36,000 pages
  • You must have a Microsoft Excel file that contains the unique identifiers for your investors displayed in a single column.

Prepare the Microsoft Excel identifiers document

We recommend that you set up your Excel file using the following format:

  • In column 1: Enter the unique identifier that appears in each individual statement in the PDF document. If all the documents in your source PDF file are the same length, the unique identifier for each individual document must appear on the first page of the document. (If the documents may not have the same number of pages and your PDF source file includes a delimiter on the first page, the unique identifier can appear on any page of the document.)
  • In column 2: Enter the name of the folder that the investors’ documents should be posted to. This column should list the main folder name only. If you want to post the document in a subfolder, you can configure that when you define settings during the posting process.

    The maximum number of characters allowed in an Intralinks folder name is 60. The folder name cannot contain the following characters: / \ : * " < > ? |

  • In column 3: Enter the name of the group that will have permission to view the document. This column should list the main group name only. If you want to give permission to an investor subgroup (Mason Dixon Cap Call, for instance), you can configure that when you define settings during the posting process.

    The group names cannot contain the following characters: < > \


    Investor name – unique identifier on PDF

    Intralinks folder name

    Intralinks group name


    Jane Doe Revocable Trust

    Jane Doe Rev Trust

    Jane Doe Rev Trust


    John Smith Foundation

    John Smith Foundation

    John Smith



    Investor name – unique identifier on PDF

    Intralinks folder name

    Intralinks group name


    Mason L. Dixon

    Mason L. Dixon

    Mason L. Dixon

Create a posting

Before you begin, be sure that you know the page in the PDF file on which the first investor document begins and the number of pages in each document. Also review the contents of your Excel spreadsheet; you will need to know which row contains the headers for columns, the numbers of the first and last rows that contain the data you want to use, and the letter or number of the column that contains the unique identifiers that will be used for your posting.

Note: You can save your entries a draft version of the posting at any time by clicking the Save as draft button. The posting will appear in the list of postings on the Intralinks Filesplit screen, and you can double-click it to reopen it and resume making changes.

The Intralinks Filesplit window should be displayed.

  1. From the Actions menu, select Create new Posting. The New Posting dialog box appears.
  2. Name the posting. Be sure that the name clearly describes the group receiving the posting; if you do not complete the posting at this time, the name will help you to identify the correct posting when you are ready to resume posting.
  3. Mark the second option, Use existing PDF files with textual search enabled.
  4. Click Create. The New posting Wizard appears, and step 1. Load files is displayed.
  5. Select the PDF file that contain information for this posting.
  6. Indicate whether the individual documents within the PDF file all have the same number of pages or a variable number of pages.

    If all the documents are the same length, mark the Equal pages option and specify which page to use for the first document. (Typically this is page 1, but it may be another page if the file begins with pages that will not be distributed to investors.) Also specify the number of pages in each document.

    If you are unsure that all documents will have the same number of pages, mark the Different length pages option. Also enter the delimiter that is used to denote the first page of each document within the PDF file. (For more information about using a delimiter for variable-length documents, see “Preparing the PDF document” above) You can copy the delimiter from your source file and then paste it in the delimiter field in the wizard by clicking in the field and then right-clicking and selecting the Paste option.

  7. Select the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains information for this posting.

    Note: You can save your entries as a draft version of the posting at any time by clicking the Save as draft button. The posting will appear in the list of postings on the Intralinks Filesplit screen, and you can double-click it to reopen it and resume making changes.

  8. Enter information about the PDF file and the spreadsheet.

    When you select the PDF file, suggested entries appear for set for the first page on which investor documents begin, as well as the number of pages in each document. When you select the spreadsheet, information about the row containing column headings, first and last rows containing data, and the column containing the data are displayed. Review these entries and make any corrections.

  9. When you are satisfied with your entries, click Next. Step 2. Define settings appears.

    The settings on this screen can be used to determine where (and whether) documents will be posted, the names of the documents and the groups receiving access to them, the permissions that will be applied to the documents, and the text that appears in email alerts. You can choose to delay permissioning the documents and sending alerts if you like, allowing you to review the posting on your exchange before making the documents available to investors.

    For an explanation of individual settings, see Filesplit posting settings.

  10. If you previously saved your settings and you want to reuse them, select them from the list at the top of the screen.
  11. Review the selections (if any) on the screen and make any needed changes. For an explanation of individual settings, see Filesplit posting settings. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Next. Step 3. Review results appears.
  12. Review the entries on the screen. Entries that appear with a red background have errors that must be corrected before you create your posting. Be sure to review the unique ID that is displayed, as well, to be sure that each document is being distributed to the person who is intended to receive it.

    To correct an entry, double-click it. The Edit Posting Item screen appears. An error icon (Filesplit red x.png) appears next to any items that must be corrected. Make your corrections, then click Save to redisplay the wizard. Correct all entries that appear in red.

    If you wish to remove an entry, highlight it and click Delete.

  13. When you have finished reviewing the entries and making corrections, click Next. Step Confirm results appears, displaying a copy of the first posting document that was created.
  14. Review each You can display additional documents by clicking the buttons that appear on the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can click the Save Documents button to save a copy of these documents and review them using Adobe Acrobat or another application.

    If changes are needed, click the Back button and make corrections as you did in step 9 above.

  15. When you are satisfied that all documents are ready for posting, click the Start posting button. (This button does not appear if you did not mark the Upload to Exchange command in Step 2. Define Settings. In this case, be sure to save the documents as described in the previous step.)

    The documents are uploaded to the specified locations on the selected exchange. If you did not choose to delay permissioning in step 11, investors are given permission to view the documents that are meant for them. If folders do not exist already in the locations you have specified, they may be created automatically, depending upon the settings you selected in step 11.

    A progress indicator appears showing the progress of the upload. When the upload is complete, a message appears to alert you. Click the View Logs button in the message to view detailed information about the posting, including any errors that may have occurred.

    Note: If the exchange was frozen (set to prevent any changes from being made to it), a message will appear asking whether you wish to unfreeze it to allow the posting to be completed. When posting is complete, the exchange will be frozen again to prevent further changes.


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