Deleting a folder | VIA Pro for the Desktop

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for Desktop
Applies to: Owners

As a Workspace owner, you can delete folders in Workspaces you are syncing through VIA Desktop. When you delete a folder, the changes will sync to the Workspace on VIA Web, where the folder will be deleted as well.

I want to

  • Initiate a folder deletion through VIA Desktop
  • Delete a folder in my local Intralinks VIA folder and have it sync to my Workspace on the web

About this task

Workspace editors cannot delete any folders (even folders they personally created). Only Workspace owners can delete folders.

If you're an editor and need to delete a folder you created, please contact the Workspace owner for help.


  1. Open a Workspace folder in your local Intralinks VIA folder.
  2. Select and delete the appropriate content folder.
  3. The folder is immediately deleted in VIA Desktop, and the sync process will initiate. The VIA system tray (Windows) / status menu (macOS) icon will display a green check mark when the sync process is complete and the folder deleted on VIA Web.

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