VIA Pro for Desktop has no sync options

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for Desktop 
Applies to: Owners, Editors and Viewers


I installed VIA Pro for Desktop on my computer, but I don't see any sync options in the application's menu.

Further, I see the following message when I hover my mouse cursor over the application's icon:

Your administrator has disabled Intralinks VIA syncing.


Each organization's VIA business group has an administrator or business group coordinator A business group coordinator is a client administrator role.who is responsible for the policy settings applied to the business group's members and Workspaces. 

The administrator can allow or prevent all provisioned VIA account holders in the business group from syncing Workspaces through VIA Desktop.

The administrator can also allow or prevent users invited to the group's Workspaces from syncing. 


The policy settings are applied at the VIA administator's discretion. If you have further questions on the policy settings:

  • Invited Workspace participant (editor or viewer): Please contact the Workspace owner.
  • Workspace owner: You can contact your organization's VIA administrator to discuss the policy setting. If you don't know your administrator, get in touch with us. Our Support team will be happy to help with identifying the appropriate contact for you.

    Click Submit a Ticket to open a request with our Support team. Or to speak directly with an agent, find our Support line in your region.

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