Adding companies | InvestorVision

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners

Companies are companies outside of the general partner or the investor organization, such as lawyers and accountants, that need access to a fund’s documents. The company is shown on the user dashboard, making it easy to view company users.

Once you have created a company, you can associate users with it. Associate users to the company by selecting the company's name in the Company field of a user’s contact information. For more information, see Updating user contact information and Adding users

You can add a single company or bulk upload multiple companies from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

I want to

  • Add a company
  • Update company contact information
  • Delete a company


Adding a single company

  1. Click the Plus button in the top, right of the screen and select Add Company.
  2. In the Name field, enter the third party’s name.
  3. In the ID field, enter the third party’s ID, for example, this might be an ID associated with your accounting system.
  4. (Optional.) Enter additional information about the third party.
  5. Click Save.

Adding third parties in bulk

Bulk add third parties by uploading a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains the user profile information. You can download a template to use that has the required format.

  1. Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner and select Bulk Upload.
  2. In the Upload Name field, enter the name of the upload. The name is displayed on the bulk upload status page.
  3. In the Upload Type field, select Companies.
  4. (Optional). If you have not completed a spreadsheet to upload, click Download template and complete the template.
  5. Click Select file to upload.
  6. Navigate and click on your Excel file, and click Open.
  7. Click Upload.

    You can perform other tasks while the file is uploading. To view upload progress, click the down arrow next to your user name in the upper right corner and click Bulk Uploads.

Viewing bulk upload status

  1. Click the down arrow next to your user name and click Bulk Uploads.
  2. (Optional.) If the Excel file contained an error, click Download <number of errors found> Errors, fix the errors, and click Retry.
  3. (Optional.) Click the name of an upload to return to the Bulk Upload page.

Updating third party contact information

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, click Companies.
  2. Click the company that you want to update.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Make any changes and click Save.

Deleting third parties

You can delete third parties that no longer require access to a fund’s documents if no permissions are associated with it.

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, click Companies.
  2. Click the company that you want to delete.
  3. In the vertical dot menu on the right, select Delete Company.
  4. Click Confirm.

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