Requesting documents from limited partners | InvestorVision

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners

If Intralinks is your data provider, you can request documents from limited partners.

I want to

  • Request a document from a limited partner

About this task

When you request a document, an email notification is sent to the limited partner, who can them upload the documents directly into InvestorVision. You can specify which users receive the requests. If you do not specify users, the request is sent to all investors.

After documents are uploaded by the limited partner, you will receive a notification when you log into InvestorVision. If a document does not meet your needs, you can request the document again and add a note about what you need. You can also send a follow-up message if the LP has not sent the requested documents.


  1. Click the down arrow next to your user name and select LP Documents.
  2. Click Request Documents.
  3. (Optional.) In the User Details section, select the users that you want to receive the request. The request can be sent a specific investor, fund, or an investor/fund. If you do not select an investor or fund, the request is sent to all investors.
  4. In the Document Type field, select the type of document that you are requesting.
  5. In the Document Description field, enter a description of the document.
  6. (Optional.) Click the plus sign to request additional documents.
  7. (Optional.) To view the email notification, click Preview Notifications.
  8. Click Request.

Additional information


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