Giving and removing user access | InvestorVision

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners

Disable users you do not want to have access to InvestorVision and who you do not want to delete. Disabling a user removes the user's access to InvestorVision and removes all of the user's permissions, however, all of the user's activity records and information about that user are retained. Deleting a user removes the user's access to InvestorVision and removes any information related to that user from the portal.

Note: If you enable a disabled user, you must add back permissions.

I want to

  • Give a user access to InvestorVision
  • Remove a user's access to InvestorVision


  1. In the navigation pane on the left, click Users.
  2. Click the user that you want to disable or enable.
  3. The status of the user is shown in a toggle in the upper right of the screen. Hover over the toggle and click Disable User or Enable User.

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