Viewing user status and information | InvestorVision

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners

You can view a user’s documents, activities, details, and permissions, as well as the user's status in InvestorVision.

I want to

  • View the status of a user
  • View information about a user's documents, activities, details, or permissions.


  1. In the navigation pane on the left, click Users. The user's status is displayed in the status column. Following is a list of possible statuses.
    • Added - The user has been added but a welcome email has not been sent. The user cannot access the portal yet.
    • Invited - The user has been invited but has not logged in.
    • Last Login - The user is active and has logged in at least once.
    • Disabled - The user has been deactivated by a GP or Fund Administrator. The user cannot login and permissions were removed.
    • Re-Enabled - The user account has been reactivated but not welcome email has been sent. The user can access the portal.
    • Reset Password - A resent password email was sent to the user.
    • Rejected GP Terms - The user logged in but did not agree to the portal consent. The user cannot log in anymore.
    • Suspended - The user got deregistered from the global user directory (GUD).
  2. In the Name column, click the user whose information you want to view.
  3. Click one of the following tabs:
    • Overview – Displays an overview of a user’s documents, activity, and details.
    • Documents – Displays a list of documents that the user can view.
    • Activity – Displays the user’s activity.

      Note: You can view all activity in the project by clicking Notifications in the left navigation pane.

    • Details – Displays the user’s name, email, and company.
    • Permissions – Displays the user’s permissions.
  4. (Optional.) To download all users to a Microsoft Excel file in CSV format, click Download CSV in the upper right of the screen.

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