Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners
You can view a user’s documents, activities, details, and permissions.
I want to
- View information about a user's documents, activities, details, or permissions.
- In the navigation pane on the left, click Users.
- In the Name column, click the user whose information you want to view.
- Click one of the following tabs:
- Overview – Displays an overview of a user’s documents, activity, and details.
- Documents – Displays a list of documents that the user can view.
Activity – Displays the user’s activity.
Note: You can view all activity in the project by clicking Notifications in the left navigation pane.
- Details – Displays the user’s name, email, and company.
- Permissions – Displays the user’s permissions.
- (Optional.) To download all users to a Microsoft Excel file in CSV format, click Download CSV in the upper right of the screen.