Viewing fund data | InvestorVision

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: Limited partners

You can view an overview of the investments in a fund, the documents associated with the fund, and the fund’s holdings.

I want to

  • View information about my funds
  • View or download documents associated with the funds
  • Download a list of my funds to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet


To view fund data

  1. Click the Funds tab.
  2. Click a fund name.
  3. (Optional.) To view an overview of the investments in the fund and the most recent documents, click the Overview tab.

    Important: If you have a large volume of investments, the Overview page may take some time to load. Do not click in the page until the documents have loaded. Clicking in the page may cause the document loading to timeout.

    You can perform the following actions:

    • View investments statements and transactions by clicking on the account name
    • View and download recent documents
  4. (Optional.) To view all documents associated with the fund, click the Documents tab. You can filter the list of documents, download a list of documents to a Microsoft Excel file, view documents, and download documents.

    Important: If you have a large volume of investments, the Documents page may take some time to load. Do not click in the page until the documents have loaded. Clicking in the page may cause the document loading to timeout.

  5. (Optional.) To view fund holdings, click the Holdings tab. You can download a list of holdings to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

To download a list of funds

You can download a list of funds to an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

  1. Click the Funds tab.
  2. Click Download in the upper right corner of the page.

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