Product: VIA Pro for the Web
Applies to: Owners, Editors and Viewers
When accessing a Workspace, you may find it beneficial to sort the list of folders and files to more easily locate / organize the content.
I want to
- Change the displayed sort order of the folders and files in a Workspace
About this task
The sort order is specific to your view - it doesn't apply to all users in the Workspace.
The following sort options are available:
- Name
- Last Modified (default option)
- Last Modified By
- Type
- Size
Workspace folders always appear at the top of the list; files appear below them. Each item (folders / files) will sort within its respective type according to your chosen option.
When you select a sort option on a Workspace, that same sort option will appear on every Workspace you access.
The selected sort option will remain applied until you choose another, even if you log out. If you clear your web browser cache, the sort option will revert to the default (Last Modified) option.
- On the upper right of the Workspace content area, click the Sort by drop-down menu.
- Select one of the available sort options.
- The list of folders and files will update to sort by your chosen option.
- To further sort the list, click the Ascending / Descending arrow button to the right of the drop-down menu.