Working with funds and securities | InvestorVision

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners

You can add funds and investors, then associate the investors that have invested in a fund with the fund. When you have created that connection, you can then add an investment to the investor.

I want to

  • Add funds
  • Add securities
  • Delete a fund
  • View fund details
  • Upload fund data
  • Edit holdings data

Adding funds

Adding a single closed-ended fund

Closed-ended funds can be the following types of funds: closed-ended, AIV, co- invest, credit fund, fund of fund, private equity fund, reals estate fund, and so on.

  1. Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner and select Add Fund.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the fund.
  3. (Optional). In the Type field, select the type of If a fund type is not selected, the fund type will default to closed-ended.
  4. In the Strategy field, select the fund strategy.
  5. (Optional.) In the Currency field, select the fund’s currency It is strongly recommended that you select the currency type.
  6. (Optional.) In the ID field, enter your ID associated with this fund, for example, the ID might be the fund ID associated with your accounting system.
  7. (Optional). In the Inception Quarter field, select the quarter and enter the year that the fund will launch.
  8. If you are using fund data, In the Data Launch Month, select the quarter and enter the year that you will start reporting This quarter does not have to be the same as the Inception quarter.

    For more information on fund data, see Uploading fund data.

  9. (Optional). In the Description field, enter a meaningful description of the fund.
  10. (Optional.) To add an external system:
    • In the External System section, click +External System.
    • From the dropdown, select the appropriate system.
    • In the External Client ID field, enter the external client code.
    • Click Add.
  11. Click Save.

Adding a single open-ended fund

Open-ended funds can be the following types of funds: SPV, hedge fund, mutual fund, or open-ended.

  1. Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner and select Add Fund.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the fund.
  3. (Optional.) In the Type field, select the type of open-ended If a fund type is not selected, the fund type will default to closed-ended and data will not be displayed.
  4. In the Strategy field, select the fund strategy.
  5. (Optional.) In the Currency field, select the fund’s currency It is strongly recommended that you select the currency type.
  6. (Optional). In the Inception Month field, select the month and enter the year that the fund will launch.
  7. If you are using fund data, In the Data Launch Month, select the month and enter the year that you will start reporting This month does not have to be the same as the Inception quarter.

    For more information on fund data, Uploading fund data.

  8. (Optional). In the Description field, enter a meaningful description of the fund.
  9. (Optional.) To add an external system:
    • In the External System section, click +External System.
    • From the dropdown, select the appropriate system.
    • In the External Client ID field, enter the external client code.
    • Click Add.
  10. Click Save.

Adding funds in bulk

Bulk add funds by uploading a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains the fund information. You can download a template to use that has the required format.

Note that external system data cannot be uploaded.

  1. Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner and select Bulk Upload.
  2. In the Upload Name field, enter the name of the The name is displayed on the bulk upload status page.
  3. In the Upload Type field, select Funds.
  4. (Optional). If you have not completed a spreadsheet to upload, click Download Template and complete the template.

    The first column of the template is the Action column.

    Add – creates a new fund.

  5. Click Select file to upload.
  6. Navigate and click on your Excel file, and click Open.
  7. Click Upload.

    You can perform other tasks while the file is uploading. To view upload progress, click the down arrow next to your user name in the upper right corner and click Bulk Uploads.

Viewing bulk upload status

  1. Click the down arrow next to your user name and click Bulk Uploads.
  2. (Optional.) If the Excel file contained an error, click Download <number of errors found> errors, fix the errors, and click Retry.
  3. (Optional.) Click the name of an upload to return to the Bulk Upload page.

Adding securities

If enabled for the general partner, you can add securities that are held across the managed funds. You can then add data about the current positions of the securities in the fund, giving limited partners insight into their investments.

  1. Click the Plus button in the top, right-hand corner and select Add Security.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the security.
  3. In the Company Name field, enter the name of the company.
  4. In the Type field, select the type of security.
  5. In the Currency field, select the currency the security is held in.
  6. If you selected Fund in the Type field, complete the following fields:
    • In the Fund Type field, select the type of fund.
    • In the Fund Strategy field, select the fund’s investment strategy.
  7. In the Sector field, select the market sector to which the security
  8. In the Industry field, select the type of industry to which the security belongs. The options displayed are based on the selected sector.
  9. (Optional.) Select the region, country, ESG Risk, and enter a description of the security.
  10. Click Save.

Updating security and fund details

Editing security details

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Securities.
  2. Click on the security that you want to edit.
  3. Make any changes and click Save.

Updating fund details

You can update the fund name, type, default currency, ID, inception quarter, data launch quarter (the starting quarter for reporting data), and description.

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds.
  2. Click the fund that you want to update.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Click in a field to make changes.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting a fund

You can delete a fund from InvestorVision if no documents or permissions are associated with it.

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds.
  2. Click the fund that you want to delete.
  3. In the top right, click the vertical dot menu and select Delete Fund.
  4. Click Confirm.

Viewing fund details

You can view details about a fund including investor activity, investor details, documents associated with the fund, posting associated with the fund, user details, user permissions, and fund data.

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds.
  2. Click the fund for which you want to view details.
  3. Click the following tabs to view details.
    • Overview – Use this tab to view an overview of the investors and activity associated with the fund, and to add investors to the fund.
    • Investors – Use this tab to view the investors associated with the fund and to drill down into individual investor details.
    • Documents – Use this tab to view a list of the documents associated with the fund. From this tab you can view PDF documents from within the application or you can download documents and open them in their native application.

      You can also view and download documents for a fund by going to the Documents tab and filtering by fund.

    • Postings – Use this tab to view postings associated with this fund.
    • Users – Use this tab to view a list of users associated with the fund, add users to groups, and to drill down into individual user details.
    • Activity – Use this tab to view limited partner and general partner activity in the fund. You can view all activity in the project by clicking Activity in the left navigation panel. 
    • Details – Use this tab to view and update fund details.
    • Permissions – Use this tab to view users permissioned to the fund and to delete user permissions.
    • Templates - Use this tab to create fund-level notification templates. If no fund-level template exists, the portal-level template will be used. For details about customizing templates, see Customizing notification templates.
    • Data – Use this tab to view transaction, capital account, and holdings data.

Viewing securities

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Securities.
  2. (Optional.) Click on a security to view its details.

Uploading fund data

You can upload quarterly investment summary and capital account data for private equity funds for funds for which Intralinks is the data provider. You can also upload cash inflow and outflow data for transactions and upload underlying holdings data.

Data is uploaded using an Excel spreadsheet. You can download a template spreadsheet that supports full International Limited Partner Association (ILPA) standards. The spreadsheet is populated with all of the investors and their IDs and accounts associated with the fund. You can use only the fields that you need.

Data is managed using the Data tab on the fund page. From the Data tab, you can upload data, view the status of an upload, publish data, un-publish data, and download previously uploaded data.

Data can be uploaded and either published or saved and not published. Limited partners will only see published data.

Uploading data consists of the following tasks:

Uploading fund data

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds.
  2. Click the fund to which you want to add data.
  3. Click the Data tab.
  4. (Optional.) To upload cashflow data:
    • Click the Transactions This tab is not displayed if the fund uses hedge data.
    • Click + Data.
    • In the Name field, enter a name that identifies the cashflow.
    • Continue with step 6.
  5. (Optional.) To upload capital account data:
    • Click the Capital Accounts This tab is not displayed if the fund uses hedge data.
    • Click + Data.
    • In the Quarter field, select the quarter to which the data applies.
    • In the Year field, select the year to which the data applies.
    • If you enter the quarter and the year before you download the file, the downloaded file name will contain the fund name, quarter, and year; otherwise it will only contain the fund name.
  6. (Optional.) To upload holdings data:
    • Click the Holdings This tab is not displayed if the fund uses hedge data.
    • Click + Holding.
  7. (Optional.) To upload hedge fund data:
    • On the Hedge Summary tab click + Data. Note that this tab is only displayed for open ended, hedge fund, mutual fund, and SPV fund types.
  8. Download the template by clicking Download Data Template.
  9. Add data to the template.

    Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. If a row contains a blank required fields, the row will fail the upload. Grayed out columns in the capital accounts template are formula columns that are not posted as a transaction.

  10. Click Select File to Upload.
  11. Navigate to the spreadsheet file and click Open.
  12. Click Upload.

    Uploading may take a few minutes. You can continue to work in other areas of InvestorVision while the upload is occurring. When the upload is finished, a preview screen is displayed where you can review the upload and decide what to do next.

Previewing the uploaded file

The preview screen is displayed when the upload is complete.

  1. View the data to ensure that is as you expected. If there is an error, a message is See the next section on viewing and fixing errors in the spreadsheet.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • Cancel – Cancels the upload.
    • Download – Downloads the uploaded file.
    • Continue without publishing – Saves the uploaded data without publishing Limited partners cannot see the data until it is published.
    • Publish – Publishes the data so that limited partners can see it. Once published, you can download the spreadsheet or unpublish the data at a later time.

Viewing and fixing errors in the spreadsheet

If the upload encountered an error, the status of the upload is Upload failed.

You can download the spreadsheet to view the errors. Rows with errors are highlighted in red. At the end of the row, there is a message telling you why the upload failed.

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds and click on the fund for which you uploaded data.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click the upload that failed.
  4. Click Download.
  5. View and fix the errors and upload the file again.

Working with data

Editing holdings data on screen

You can edit holdings data on the screen.

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds.
  2. Click the fund for which you want to edit data.
  3. Click the Data tab.
  4. Click the Holdings tab.
  5. Click View Holdings Draft for unpublished holdings or Edit Holdings. for published holdings.
  6. Click in a field to edit it.
  7. Click the three dots menu in front of the security for which you have changed the data and click Save.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each holding you want to update.
  9. Click Publish.

Publishing and downloading data

You can publish and download saved data. You can also unpublish data that has been published.

Publishing saved data

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds and click on the fund for which you want to publish previously uploaded data.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click Transactions, Capital Accounts, or Holdings.
  4. Click the three dots menu in front of the data you want to publish and select Publish.

Downloading saved data

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds and click on the fund for which you want to download data.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click Transactions, Capital Accounts, or Holdings.
  4. Click the data you want to download.
  5. Click Download.

Unpublishing data

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Funds and click on the fund for which you want to unpublish data.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click Transactions, Capital Accounts, or Holdings.
  4. Click the three dots menu in front of the data you want to unpublish and select Unpublish.

Additional information

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