Supported file types | VIA Pro for the Web

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for the Web
Applies to: Owners and Editors


What files can I upload to my VIA Workspace?


You can upload any file type to a VIA Workspace - all formats are supported. 


  • IRM document protection only applies to PDF and Microsoft Office files - you cannot encrypt other formats with the Workspace file security.
  • The secure document viewer (which opens files directly in the browser) supports a variety of formats, including:
    • PDF
    • Microsoft Office
    • Image files
    • CAD files (.dwg, .dwf, .dxf, .dgn)
    • Video files (.mp4, .webmm, .ogg)
    • Files in other formats will automatically download to the user's system.
  • The ability to open a downloaded file is entirely dependent on the user's system.
    Meaning, if you upload files with a nonstandard format, your invited users may need to install another application to open them. Or if their internal security settings prevent them from installing certain applications, they might not be able to open the files at all. 

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