Enabling or disabling Workspace alerts for all users | VIA Pro for the Web

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for the Web
Applies to: Owners

As a Workspace owner, you can choose whether or not your Workspace participants will receive email alerts.

I want to

  • Update the email alert preferences for the entire Workspace
  • Allow or prevent Workspace email alerts from going to participants

About this task

These alert settings apply to the indvidual Workspace only.


  1. Click the Work HC_workspaces_01.PNGicon in the left panel and select Workspaces to display your main screen.
  2. Click the specific Workspace to open it.
  3. Click the Settings (gear) icon on the upper right and select Email Alerts.
  4. In the Manage Email Alerts (for all people) section, select Enable or Disable.
  5. Click Save.

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