Introduction | InvestorVision

  • Updated

Product: Intralinks InvestorVision
Applies to: General partners

InvestorVision™ lets you share documents and data with investors across multiple funds. Documents are categorized by document type, allowing you to filter documents by type, for example, tax statements or capital calls.

InvestorVision shows the relationships among the following entities:

  • Funds – Financial assets in which investors can purchase Each fund can have one or more tiers. Tiers do not exist outside of a fund.
  • Investors – Typically a company or educational institution that buys investments. Investors, also referred to as limited partners, can have one or more accounts.
  • Investments – An investment links a fund to an investor via an account, for example, investor 1 using account 1 invested x amount of money in fund abc.
  • Users – Users are investor employees. Users can have access to more than one account.

InvestorVision roles

InvestorVision roles determine each user’s rights within the InvestorVision application. InvestorVision has the following roles:

  • Intralinks administrators set up the client administrator accounts.
  • Client administrators manage one or more general partners and create the general partner administrator accounts.
  • General partner administrators can access all entities within the scope of the general partner. This role can manage the create, read, update, and delete rights for the entities. In addition, this role can impersonate an LP to see the LP's portal view, create and run all report types, and configure LP roles.
  • General partner administrators (view only) can only view the entities within the scope of the general partner.
  • Fund administrators can manage the create, read, update and delete rights for the funds that they are permissioned to. This includes investors, investments, third parties, users, permissions, documents and postings. They can see and run canned reports, and they have read-only access to templates and LP roles.
  • Limited partners can view and download documents that are associated with the investor and the role assigned to them during permissioning, generic documents that are visible to all investors in the fund, and documents associated with the funds that are associated to the investor’s account.

InvestorVision and data providers other than Intralinks

General partners that are created on the Intralinks InvestorVision platform have access to the Dashboard and all of the tabs in the left pane. General partners that were created on other platforms, such as TNR or Hedge, can only access users and activities because their data is not stored in InvestorVision.

InvestorVision dashboard

The InvestorVision dashboard provides an overview of the number of users, documents, funds, and investors within the scope of the general partner, as well as recent user activity. Click on users, documents, funds, or investors to display a list of existing entities.

The navigation pane for the application is on the left. Hover your mouse over the navigation pane to expand it to show a list of entities, such as investors, funds, documents, and so on. Click on any option to view a list of those entities.

Filtering and sorting the entity lists

Lists of entities, such as lists of investors, users, documents, and so on, have a Filter by section at the top of the list that you can use to narrow the list of entries in the list. You can also sort the list by any column in the grid. Each entity type can have a different set of filters and columns.

Filtering the list

  1. Click the down arrow next to the filter.
  2. Either select the specific entity that you want to filter by or enter it in the Search field. The list of entities is updated.
  3. (Optional.) Narrow the list of responses further by filtering on another field.
  4. Click Clear all at the right side of the screen to remove all filters and display the full list of entities.

Sorting the list

Click on the up or down arrow to the right of a column name to sort the grid in either ascending or descending order based on the data in that column.

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