Adding files to a Workspace | VIA Pro for the Web

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for the Web
Applies to: Owners and Editors

Workspace owners and editors can add files to the Workspace.

Note: Users with the viewer role cannot upload files. If you aren't sure about your role, find your name in the Shared With box on the right side of the Workspace. Your role is listed under your name. 

If you have questions about your access level, contact the Workspace owner.

I want to

  • Add files to a Workspace
  • Send files through a Workspace

About this task

While you do have the option of uploading files from a network / shared drive, we highly recommend uploading only from a local computer. 

Network drives at your organization may have certain additional security restrictions applied that are not applied on your computer. So you may experience connection / upload issues when trying to add files from a network drive.

Whenever possible, copy files from a network drive to your computer, then upload them to the Workspace from there.


Adding Workspace files and folders, Time: 3 minutes


To add files to a Workspace:

  1. On your main list of Workspaces, click the Workspace tile to open it.
  2. Then proceed with either method below.

Drag-and-drop method

Note: You can only drag files into the Workspace, not folders. If you need to create a new folder first, see Creating folders.

  1. Select the files on your computer or network drive. File names cannot contain the following characters: &/\:*"<>?| If a file name contains any of these characters, you will not be able to download the file or view it in the online viewer.
  2. Drag the files from their source location to the Workspace's content area.
    • Place the mouse cursor over the empty Workspace content area or existing content to add the files to this level. The entire content area will be highlighted with a dotted yellow line.
    • Place the mouse on a specific folder to add the files to that folder. The folder tile will be highlighted with a dotted yellow line.
  3. Release the mouse button to drop the files.
  4. The files are added to the Workspace and a progress bar will indicate the upload status of each one.
  5. No further action is required (i.e., you do not need to click a Send or Submit button).
    Once the upload progress completes, the files exist on the Workspace and are accessible to the other users. If the Workspace has email alerts enabled, the users will receive an automatic notification for the new files.

+File method

  1. Click the +File button in the menu section above the content area.
  2. You can upload files from the following sources:
    • From Your Computer — Use this option to select files on your computer or network drive.
    • From a Workspace — Use this option to select files that are in another Intralinks VIA Workspace. In addition to files, you can also select folders to copy.
    • From an Exchange — Use this option to select files from an Intralinks Platform exchange. In addition to files, you can also select folders to copy.

      (This option appears only if the Intralinks VIA administrator has enabled it. It may not be available to you.) The name of the exchange that you selected will be visible to Workspace owners, but not to viewers or editors.

  3. Select the source location and choose the content to add. File names cannot contain the following characters: &/\:*"<>?| If a file name contains an ampersand (&), you will not be able to download the file or view it in the online viewer.
  4. The content is added to the Workspace.
    • When you add a file from another Workspace or an exchange, a copy of the file is added. This copy is not updated automatically when changes are made to the original file. You will have to update the copy in the Workspace manually if changes are needed.
    • If you add files from a Workspace or exchange, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen to alert you that files are being copied. You can exit Intralinks VIA before copying is complete; the files will continue to be copied.
  5. No further action is required (i.e., you do not need to click a Send or Submit button).
    Once the upload progress completes, the files exist on the Workspace are are accessible to the other users. If the Workspace has email alerts enabled, the users will receive an automatic notification for the new files. 

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