User Activity by Group report - Since Launch doesn't match custom time frame | VDRPro

  • Updated

Product: VDRPro
Applies to: All managers


I ran two User Activity by Group reports that technically cover the same date range:

  • For one report I selected the Since Launch range.
  • For the second I entered a custom time frame (but specified the launch date through today).

Why do the two reports show a different total number of documents viewed?


While the two filters you selected do cover the same days, the custom time frame filter applies to exact seconds

The Since Launch filter covers the entire lifespan of the exchange, from the moment the exchange was created until the moment you run the report.

By contrast, the custom range begins and ends on the second that you run the report. Meaning, if you select a time frame of May 1 - June 30 and run the report at 5 p.m. Eastern, the report will display results from 5 p.m. on May 1 through 5 p.m. on June 30. 

Any document access on May 1 from 12 a.m. Eastern through 4:59:59 p.m. is not counted. Further, document access from 5:00:01 p.m. through 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern on June 30 is also not counted.

So if any users viewed documents on the selected dates but outside of the exact time window, those views are not counted in the custom time frame report.

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