Clearing Adobe Reader cache | All products

  • Updated

Product: All
Applies to: Everyone

When opening IRM-protected PDF files you've downloaded, you may occasionally experience a general issue with authenticating your account / accessing the content.

Old data in your Adobe Reader and Internet cache may be the cause. Clearing this data can resolve some issues.


Clear Adobe account information

  1. Open Adobe Reader.
  2. In the menu bar:
    Windows: Click Edit > Preferences
    macOS: Click Adobe > Preferences
  3. In the window that opens, click the Security category.
  4. In the Adobe Experience Manage Document Security section, click the Clear remembered account information button.
  5. Click OK when prompted.
  6. Click OK to close the window, then close Adobe Reader.

Clear Internet cache


  1. On your computer, click either the Windows Start or Search (magnifying glass) icon.
  2. Type Internet Options and press Enter.
  3. In the window that opens, refer to the General tab.
  4. Click Delete in the Browsing history section.
  5. Check the Cookies and website data box (you can leave the other boxes unchecked).
  6. Click the Delete button.


  1. Open your Safari browser.
  2. On the upper left, click Safari > Preferences.
  3. In the window that opens, click the Privacy tab.
  4. Click the Manage Website Data button.  
  5. Click the Remove All button, then click Remove Now to confirm.
  6. Click Done.

Next Steps

If you complete the steps above but still have an issue, or if you need help with the steps, get in touch with us.

Our Support team will be happy to help.

Click Submit a Ticket to open a request. Or to speak directly with an agent, find our Support line in your region.

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