Clearing Microsoft Office RMS cache | All products

  • Updated

Product: All
Applies to: Everyone

When opening IRM-protected Microsoft Office files you've downloaded, you may occasionally experience a general issue. 

Corrupt or old data in your Office RMS cache may be the cause. Clearing this data can resolve some issues.

You can delete or rename your existing cache folders to remove the old data. The next time you open an IRM-protected file, your computer will automatically recreate the cache folders.


  1. On your Windows computer, click either the Windows Start or Search (magnifying glass) icon.
  2. Type Run and press Enter. The Run window opens.
  3. Enter %localappdata%\Microsoft in the Open field and click OK.
  4. Your File Explorer should open to the following path: User NameAppDataLocalMicrosoft.
  5. Next:
    • If you have Office 2013 or higher: Locate the MSIPC folder. 
    • If you have Office 2010: Locate the DRM folder.
  6. Rename the folder and add _OLD to the name (e.g., MSIPC_OLD; DRM_OLD).
  7. Close the File Explorer window.
  8. Open an IRM-protected Office file again and see if your issue is resolved.

Next steps

If you complete the steps above but still have an issue, or if you need help with the steps, get in touch with us.

Our Support team will be happy to help.

Click Submit a Ticket to open a request. Or to speak directly with an agent, find our Support line in your region.

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