Deleting files and folders | VIA Pro for Android

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for Android
Applies to: Owners and Editors

You can use the VIA for Android app to delete Workspace content that's no longer needed.

I want to

  • Delete a Workspace file or folder using the Android app

About this task

  • Workspace owners can delete any folders or files on their Workspaces.
  • Workspace editors can only delete files they have added. Workspace editors cannot delete any folders. If you're an editor and need to delete a folder you created, please contact the Workspace owner for help.
  • Any files deleted from a Workspace will remain in the trash bin in VIA Web for 30 days (during which time, you can restore them to the Workspace). After 30 days, the files are purged and are unrecoverable.


  1. Tap the ellipsis icon android_ellipsis_icon.png next to the file or folder name.
  2. In the panel that expands at the bottom, tap Delete
  3. Tap Delete again to confirm.

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