Running a command-line installation (for IT specialists) | VIA Pro for the Desktop

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for Desktop
Applies to: IT specialists

If you're an IT specialist, you may want to run a command-line installation of the Intralinks VIA Pro Desktop Client on your organization's Windows computers. This article will guide you.

I want to

  • Install VIA Pro Desktop for Windows on my organization's computers
  • Use a command-line installation for VIA Desktop


Download the installer

Option 1 - Direct download

You can download an .MSI or .EXE installer directly from the following links.

MSI version

EXE version

Option 2 - Download from Intralinks site

If you prefer to download the executable file from within our VIA Pro site, a registered Intralinks VIA user in your organization can follow these steps to download the installer.

If you need to extract the .MSI from the downloaded executable file, use the following:

ILVIA.exe /s /x /v"/qn” /b”C:\"

Run a single installation

Begin by creating a folder named Intralinks VIA at C:\Users\<username>.

Then use the following command-line instruction to install VIA Pro Desktop.

C:\Users\<user_name>\Downloads>msiexec /i "ILVIA.msi" /q VIADRIVELOCATION=

"C:\Users\<username>\Intralinks VIA"

To install VIA Desktop on a network drive, specify the network location for the Intralinks VIA folder as the value for VIADRIVELOCATION.

To disable VIA Desktop’s auto-update function and hide it from view, use the following command-line instruction:


Note: If this instruction is set to 0 (zero) or is not passed, the auto-update function will be visible to people and they may have the ability to update their VIA Desktop application.

Run a silent installation

msiexec /i <PATH TO MSI> /quiet /qn PROPERTY1=value1 PROPERTY2=value2 PROPERTY3=value3

The VIA Pro Desktop installer supports the following custom properties:

  • BANDWIDTHLIMIT - The value for BANDWIDTHLIMIT must be between 20 and 100, and must be a multiple of 10.
  • SSOPARTNERIDPID - This property can be used to set up a partner IDP for Single Sign-On (SSO). If a value is specified, the individual will be required to log in through SSO and will not be allowed to enter an email address and password to access VIA Desktop.
  • PRODUCTLANGUAGE - This property can be used to change the language used in the VIA Desktop’s user interface. The default language is U.S. English. Values for this property include:
    • 1033 – English (US)
    • 1031 – German
    • 1036 – French
    • 1046 – Portuguese
    • 2057 – English (UK)
    • 1034 – Spanish
    • 2052 – Chinese
    • 1041 – Japanese

Intralinks URLs

To ensure that VIA Pro Desktop can connect to our servers, please refer to these articles:

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