Setting a default for sending email alerts | VIA Pro for the Web

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for the Web
Applies to: Administrators

Workspace owners can choose to send or not send alerts when files are added, updated, or when comments are made on Workspaces within their business group. You can select a default setting for this business group.

If Workspace owners enable alerts, then alerts will be sent when files are added, updated, or commented on. If alerts are disabled, then no alerts will be sent when files are added, updated or when comments are made. Workspace participants can decide whether they want to receive those alerts.

Some email alerts — such as “welcome to Intralinks VIA Pro” alerts and password reset alerts — are sent regardless of the email alert setting selected by Workspace owners.

I want to

  • Set the default for whether to send alerts


  1. Click the key icon that appears in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen. A navigation panel slides out.
  2. Click on the Policies option.
  3. In the Email Alerts section, select either Enabled or Disabled.
  4. Click Save.


Time: 1 minute

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