Creating multiple VIA Pro accounts at one time | VIA Pro for the Web

  • Updated

Product: VIA Pro for the Web
Applies to: Administrators

As an Intralinks VIA Pro business group administrator, you can provision new accounts for people to create Workspaces in your group.

This article will guide you through creating multiple accounts using an import file.

I want to

  • Create new VIA Pro user accounts in my business group
  • Provision multiple new VIA Pro accounts


Create an account import file

You can use either a Microsoft Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) or a comma-separated value (.csv) file for importing account information.

The table below shows the columns that must be included in the import file. If any information about people is missing, the import process can continue, but accounts will not be created for those people. You will have an opportunity to correct your import file and perform the import again.

Required information

Required column headers

Content formatting requirements

Email addresses

You must use one of the following headings:

  • Email
  • E-mail
  • E-mail Address 1

The heading can be uppercase or lowercase; case is ignored.

Email addresses cannot have more than 100 characters.

Organization name

You must use one of the following headings:

  • Company
  • Organization

The heading can be uppercase or lowercase; case is ignored.

Organization names cannot have more than 49 characters.

If the following characters appear in the organization name, they must be removed:

/ @ ~ % + : {} () [] <> | , ; "

First or given names

You must use one of the following headings:

  • First Name
  • First

The heading can be uppercase or lowercase; case is ignored.

First names cannot have more than 29 characters.

If the following characters appear in any names, they must be removed:

/ @ ~ % + : {} () [] <> | , ; "

Last or family names

You must use one of the following headings:

  • Last Name
  • Last

The heading can be uppercase or lowercase; case is ignored.

Last names cannot have more than 29 characters.

If the following characters appear in any names, they must be removed:

/ @ ~ % + : {} () [] <> | , ; "

Phone numbers

You must use one of the following headings:

  • Business Phone
  • Work Phone
  • Phone

The heading can be uppercase or lowercase; case is ignored.

Phone numbers cannot have more than 20 characters.

Letters are not allowed in phone numbers. Formatting characters are allowed, except for the following:

/ @ ~ % : {} [] <> | ' , ; "

Note that the apostrophe (‘) character cannot appear within the body of phone numbers. You can enter a ‘ character before phone numbers in the spreadsheet to ensure that their format is not modified by Excel.

Some examples of acceptable formats include:

(123) 456-7890
123 456 7890
+44 (0) 12 3456 7890

Import the file

  1. On the left side of your VIA screen, click the Administration HC_viaAdministration_01.PNG icon.
  2. In the panel that expands, click Users.
    Note: If you're an administrator in two or more business groups, select the appropriate group in the Business Group drop-down menu before clicking Users.
  3. Click the arrow next to the + Account button and select Multiple Accounts on the menu. 
  4. Click the Browse button and select the import file.
    Note: The Send activation email box is no longer an active function. Checking / unchecking the box has no effect on the new account process.
  5. Click Import. A message will appear to inform you when the process is complete.
    • Another message will inform you if there were issues creating any of the accounts. You can correct the errors in your import file and perform the update again. No additional accounts will be created for the individuals who were successfully added the first time you imported. You also can create the accounts manually.
  6. The users will receive a Welcome to Intralinks VIA email. Users who are new to Intralinks will also receive a Welcome to Intralinks! email for setting up their account.


Time: 2 minutes

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